Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Favorite Trip

Today in class we read the book Are We There Yet Daddy? This book was about a little boy and his father take a trip to Grandma's house. This had me thinking of my favorite trip I ever took. My favorite place I ever took a trip to was New Zealand. I traveled there when I was a sophomore in high school with the organization People to People Student Ambassadors. In order to get to New Zealand, I had to take an airplane to Los Angeles, California where, I had a 5 hour layover. When the 5 hours were finally up, I boarded another plane and flew to New Zealand, a 13 hour plane ride!

While in New Zealand, my favorite place we went was  Karikari Peninsula's Beach. Here is a picture I took on my actual trip there. I had so much fun and would love to go back any time!

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